2024 FujiFilm FDR Smart X

2024 FujiFilm FDR Smart X


X-Ray Equipment FujiFIlm (Fuji) FDR Smart X: - Available with floating ceiling suspension or floor ceiling column - Compatible with flat panel DR FDR D-EVO Fujifilm (sold separately) with automatic connection - Model C40S Capacitor Assisted Generator with 40kW 110-120 / 220-230VAC output 3kVA input (recommended for healthcare facilities or small cabinets) - mAs range from: 10 to 500 mAs - YOU DO NOT NEED TO MAKE MODIFICATIONS TO THE COMMON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SERVICE WITH THE C40S GENERATOR - Floating table with auto track (synchronization with the x-ray tube) with a load limit of up to 300 kg. - Wall mounted bucky with horizontal and vertical movement with integrated control panel - Touch screen console integrated in the x-ray tube for easy access to the parameters of the study to be carried out - Column floor ceiling option is highly recommended for small places - Removable chassis holder both on the wall Bucky and on the floating table - Compatible with digitizers - Workstation included - Includes 12 months warranty, installation, shipping (Mexico only) and post sale training


ModelFDR Smart X
Stock Number0024